Sunday, January 27, 2008

This Race Is Not About Race -- Nigga, Please!

Obama won the South Carolina primary. And according to the Media and the voters they interview, this race is not about race.

But if that's the truth, then why can't I find one African-American voter who isn't voting for Obama? Why then did African-American voters come out in record numbers to vote? And why did Edwards, who won South Carolina -- his home state -- in 2004, place a distant third this time around?

The Media consistently feeds us the view that voters believe the three top Democratic choices all maintain similar positions on the issues.

Obama, however, seems to have a stronger likeability factor that resonates with voters. 

But have these voters done any serious research into the issues that the new president will inherit? If voters did this, I think they'd find that what's needed is something that goes far beyond likeability.

A reporter recently commented that Obama "will learn" foreign policy; but I don't think that the global community is going to wait for him to come up to speed. And is this a risk we should take?

In today's culture, sound-bite character is infectious. But sound-bite character does not a successful president make.